Our Top Content of 2023

Discover our most popular content of the year!
HubSpot Blocks (1)


Insights Report

The Unrealised Potential of Council Meetings

  • We highlight the common challenges and provide best practice insights to help councils identify and mitigate key person risk.

    Discover how to ensure business continuity, streamline the meeting process, improve sustainability and deliver a higher standard of transparency to the community.

HubSpot Blocks (1)


Insights Report

IPR and Technology in NSW Government

  • We interviewed 20 NSW councils to understand their IPR frustrations and uncover emerging best practices in terms of process, systems and technology.

    This report aims to present this data in a way that supports councils to manage this process and use technology to effectively support IPR activity.

HubSpot Blocks (2)



A Guide to Implementing your Strategic Plan

  • Successfully implementing your strategic plan helps engage teams, show progress, and increase transparency.

    This guide provides five tips to turn your strategic plan into action, outlines the elements of a well-designed plan, and discusses how to evolve your living plan and recognise success.