1. Resolve Knowledge Base
  2. Meeting Administrators

Resolve - Access BoardView and Admin Portal at the same time

Guide for Meeting Administrators to be able to have Resolve BoardView and Admin portals open at the same time.

Pre-requisites:  Administrators with appropriate Resolve Admin (https://CLIENTNAME.resolve.red/admin/) and Boardview portal (https://CLIENTNAME.resolve.red/boardview/) access.

When I try to login to BoardView, Resolve Admin is logged out.

How do I access BoardView and Admin portal at the same time?


To login to both Admin and Boardview at the same time, you will need to use a different Browser or Incognito mode to make sure the login cookies for BoardView and Admin are kept separate.  This is because the login cookies for Admin and BoardView cannot be shared in one browser session.

After you have logged into Admin in Resolve, open a different Browser type (E.g. Chrome, Edge) or use Incognito (In Private) mode to access BoardView.