Resolve - Azure Single Sign On Setup

Detailed steps for your IT team to configure Azure ADFS integration.

Add a non-gallery application
  1. Sign in to the Azure portal using your Microsoft identity platform administrator account
  2. Go to Azure Active Directory
  3. Select Enterprise applications > All applications and click New application button
  4. Click Create your own application button. The Create your own application page appears
  5. Select Non-gallery application. The Add your own application page appears
  6. Enter the display name for your new application.  i.e.  Resolve
  7. Choose the option Integrate any other application you don't find in the gallery (Non-gallery)
  8. Select Create button. The application Overview page opens

    Configure App
    Add User for Testing
    1. Under Getting Started, choose Assign users and groups
    2. Click Add user/group button and select the User or Group you would like to have access to the Resolve app
    3. When complete, return to the Overview > Getting Started section of the Resolve Application

      Set up Single Sign-On
      1. Under Getting Started, choose Set up single sign on
      2. Click on SAML option
      3. Basic SAML Configuration
        1. Identifier (Entity ID):   
        2. Reply URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL): https://<client_Id>
        3. Leave all other options blank
      4. User Attributes & Claims
        1. Map attributes to match screenshot below(Must be exactly the same as below)
      5. Copy the following info from sections 3 & 4, and send to Redman Solutions to complete the setup
        1. App Federation Metadata URL
        2. Login URL
        3. Azure AD Identifier
        4. Logout URL