The Redman Enhancements for Archive Manager (REAM) is an add-on toolkit for Quest Archive Manager that provides additional features and customisations that enable greater usability of the Archive Manager product.

The Redman Enhancements for Archive Manager (REAM) is an add-on toolkit for Quest Archive Manager that provides additional features and customisations that enable greater usability of the Archive Manager product.

There are six separate tools contained within REAM and once installed, these tools will be available to all users of your Archive Manager implementation.

The six tools of REAM are:
• Open in Outlook
• Action Buttons
• Simple Search Form
• Show Conversation
• Save to PST
• SmartSearch

The Open in Outlook feature allows users to select a message from an Archive Manager search result and open it with a locally installed Outlook client. The tool achieves this by delivering the email from Archive Manager to the user via an Outlook readable ‘.msg’ file.

The Action Buttons feature adds a row of feature buttons above the Archive Manager search results listing. This enhancement allows users to easily access these features from a clear and visible tool bar. This also allows Archive Manager to be used in devices and browsers that do not support double-clicking, such as an iPad.

The Simple Search Form is a separate form that collates the most used functionality of the standard search tabs into an easy to use single page format. This page allows users to see and enter all of the required search variables in one location.

The Show Conversation feature allows users to select a message from an Archive Manager search result and display all emails in the same conversation.

The Save to PST feature allows users to quickly save a small number of messages to a PST file. Users can select one message - or multiple messages - from an Archive Manager search result and save those messages to a PST.

The SmartSearch feature allows users to select a message from an Archive Manager search result and quickly generate another search based on the select “To” or “From” email address(es).