RedOffice - Create CMIS Repository and RedOffice default QAP
CMIS Repository
A CMIS repository must be created and configured. This defines the ECM indexes that will be available to the Office add-ins.
Open the CiAnywhere workplace logged in as an ECM administrator. Go to the “Records Management” then “ECM Configuration” and open the “CMIS Configuration” page.
Create a repository (e.g. called “REDOFFICE”) with a meaningful description.
- check “Authenticate” to enforce user name and password credentials to connect to ECM. If unchecked, then it will allow anonymous connections and use the proxy user set in “Impersonate User For Access Rights”.
- Impersonate User For Access Rights. Set this to any user because if set to “Authenticate” then this user is never used.
- Temporary file expiry should be at least 86400 seconds.
- Cache expiry should be at least 600 seconds.
- Maximum cache objects should be at least 5000 objects.
- Make sure “Full read/write access” is checked.
Save then click the down arrow next to the new name and select “Configure Indexes”. Select all of the indexes that RedOffice Server (and therefore the Office add-ins) will need access to.
Include the “Notes” index to see notes on documents in the add-ins (if required).
In this example a repository called REDOFFICE has been created with several indexes that will be available to the Office add-ins. To avoid issues it’s best to include all indexes.
RedOffice System QAP
RedOffice requires a dedicated Quick Add Profile in ECM to use for registration purposes. This QAP is only used by RedOffice temporarily before the user chosen QAP is set. All users will require access to this QAP.
Create a new QAP with the following details:
Name: RedOffice System QAP
Description: RedOffice System QAP. Do not remove or modify
Status: Active
Document Properties: No Fields
Indexes: No Indexes
Ensure all users have rights and access to this QAP in ECM Security.
Example: ECM Configuration > ECM Security
Find the group for all users (e.g. All Staff - the name may be different for each site)
Click View button
Scroll down to Quick Add Profile Access and click + Add button
Add the RedOffice System QAP