RedOffice Document Information Pane Overview

To display the document Information pane, click on the document information icon on the home screen or on the ECM ribbon in the Microsoft application you wish to work from (e.g. Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint).

To display the document Information pane, click on the document information icon on the home screen or on the ECM ribbon in the Microsoft application you wish to work from (e.g. Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint).

Document Information icon on Home tab

Document Information icon in ECM tab  

Document Information Pane Icon Function Details
The document information pane will display on the right side of the screen.

Document Information pane
Register Registers the document in ECM
ECM Document Properties Opens document properties within ECM

Refresh Refreshes the Document Information pane to ensure it displays the most current information about the document
More More provides access to further functions:
  • Help
  • Refresh
  • Toggle Field list
  • Ci Anywhere Workplace
  • Settings
  • About
  • Reconnect
  • Disconnect
  • Show Log
  Document Information and Indexes
From the Quick Add profile field and below, you can choose a QAP and fill out any necessary fields/indexes for the document


More menu Function Details
More menu
Help Help will open the RedOffice User Guide.
Refresh Refreshes the document information pane to ensure it is the most current information about the document.
Toggle field list Displays all fields as data. Typically used for troubleshooting.
Ci Anywhere Workplace Provides quick access to launch Ci Anywhere (ECM).
Settings Settings will display the RedOffice add-in configuration settings.
Drawer Drawer opens the RedOffice Drawer functionality, Showing ECM Document recently accessed and registered by RedOffice. 
About About displays the software version information for the installed version on the device.
Reconnect Reconnects to the server. Typically used for troubleshooting.
Disconnect Disconnects from the server. Typically used for troubleshooting.
Show Log Displays the log file.