RedOffice - Field Search Examples

A single search term, Surname (“bamber”), is provided. The search will look for all customers with the Surname containing the search term. In the screen shot below, multiple index entries are returned as there are multiple customers in the system with the surname of “Bamber”.


A single search term, Surname (“bamber”), is provided. The search will look for all customers with the Surname containing the search term. In the screen shot below, multiple index entries are returned as there are multiple customers in the system with the surname of “Bamber”.
Single search term search results

Multiple terms are provided - Surname (“bamber”) and GivenName (“Selene”). The search will look for all customers that have a Surname that contains “bamber” AND the Given Name of “Selene”. This will typically return a smaller result set. In the screen shot below there is only one entry returned as there is only one Selene Bamber in the system.

Multiple search terms search result

The All check box dictates whether the fields are joined with an AND as in the example above, or if an OR is utilised.  Unchecking the checkbox will cause the search to utilise an OR between each field. In the example below the result set will now show all customers with the Surname “Bamber” as well as all of the customers with a first name “Selene”. Now more results are returned compared to the first search as more customers have the first name of “Selene”.

Multiple search terms with All checkbox unchecked

Where more information is required on an Index Entry than is shown on the results set, a user can right click on an item in the result set and choose ‘Properties’. This will display all the available metadata for the selected index entry.

Right clicking on a result item in Index Search

Properties screen is displayed providing more metadata for the index entry

Note: If index locking is enabled within ECM after index entries have been searched for from the Red Office tool, the locked index entry will be available until a refresh of the cache is performed.