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Merge fields functionality is available for use within Microsoft Word. Users can insert an ECM merge field into a document e.g. Document Set ID using the merge fields functionality of RedOffice. The field(s) will be updated with the appropriate data from ECM when the document is saved into ECM.

1.    In Microsoft Word, on the ECM ribbon select ‘merge fields'.

  2.    Click ‘+’ to expand the selection.
3.    Select the required field/s E.g.: DocSetID.
4.    Select insert

This will insert the required merge field/s into the document.  E.g. 
Important note: When the document is registered into ECM the fields will update with the appropriate information.

To include the ECM field name with the ECM merge token then tick the ‘Insert with Name’ option.

To show all available fields, system and user defined, select the ‘Show all’ option. Correspondent (Customer) will only display the common fields by default, use the ‘Show all’ option to expand to all available metadata fields.

Select the ‘Doc Info’  button to display the Document Information Pane, or select the ‘x’ in the top right hand corner to close the Merge Pane.

Merge Tag settings 

From the document properties screen select the hamburger menu and select settings. 

Then select the Word add-in tab

Resolve merge fields of register to ECM
To have RedOffice replace the merge Tag fields on registration with metadata from ECM you will need to have "Resolve merge fields of register to ECM" Checked. If this setting is unchecked the merge tag will be registered as is and not replaced. 

Review merged fields prior to registering
If "Review merged fields prior to registering" is checked RedOffice will pause at the point of registration, giving user the chance to review the merge fields. 

Then you select Continue to complete the registration. 

Important note: If you select a merge tag for index metadata the document must be linked to an index for it to resolve the metadata.