RedOffice - Setting Default Quick Add Profile (QAP) exception for Individual Users

There maybe a use case for RedOffice where a specific group of users needs to have an alternate default Quick Add Profile (QAP) to the RedOffice system wide set default. Through RedOffice server configuration changes, it is possible to set an alternate QAP if there is a requirement.

A RedOffice Administrator can configure an alternate default QAP for individual users through simple steps updating their site RedOffice server settings.  See below details on how to make this change on a user by user basis.

  • RedOffice Administrator with login permission to local on-prem or Redman Solutions Azure hosted Server portal.
  • ECM User Names of individuals that are having the exception Default QAP applied
  • Default QAP Name or ID

Login to your RO server portal, then follow the below steps.

1. Check ECM USERNAMES - For each user you need to add a Default QAP exception for, check their USERNAME in the Users Cache file as follows
  • Click [Caches] button
  • Locate the cache named list.user.xml and click blue 'user' link to open
  • Search for each user you want to add a Default QAP exception for and copy or note their USERNAME.  NOTE: Browser shortcut CNTL+F can be used to search for a persons name in a long user list.
  • Click [Close] button to exit User cache file

2. Edit 'RedOffice.EDRMS.T1.ECM.CMIS' configuration file to add Default QAP exception for each user

  • Click [RedOffice.EDRMS.T1.ECM.CMIS] button to view CMIS configuration file
  • Use browser search shortcut CNTL+F to search for config. section "-- ECM --", under which you will find the system wide default QAP set for all users, in this example the default QAP is "Media Release"
RedOfficeDefaultQAP=Media Release
  • Under -- ECM -- config. section, locate the header '; Class and QAP default can be per user' and if it doesn't exist, copy the following and paste into a blank row under this section :
; Class and QAP default can be per user
  • Add a carriage return / line after the ;DefaultQAP entry (e.g. shown below) to add each User specific default QAP exception, using one of the below two formats possible using QAP Name or ID
1)  DefaultQAP_ USER= QAP NAME
2)  DefaultQAP_ USER= quickaddprofile-ID ##
  • See below example where both options are shown to add a default QAP exception for an individual, where USER would be replaced with what was noted in step 1 above
  • Add additional lines for each individual user as required then scroll to the top of the CMIS config. page and click the [Save] button

3. Clear Cache to make the latest configuration changes available to users
  • Click [Caches] button
  • Then click [Clear] button at which point RedOffice server will re-create caches with applied changes
  • Finally, for users that settings were changed for, they will need to close any open Office applications and RedOffice, then reopen and login for the amended Default QAP change to be visible.