RedOffice Terminology

The following table describes the terms related to RedOffice and TechnologyOne ECM.



Check in

Write the changes to document to ECM as a new version.

Check out

Extract a file from ECM for editing. This will lock the document to the user who has checked it out. Other users will not be able to edit.

Ci Anywhere

TechnologyOne’s latest web-based software platform. TechnologyOne ECM is delivered on the Ci Anywhere platform.

Document ID

The unique identifier for a specific document version within TechnologyOne ECM.

Document Set ID

Often referred to as DocSetID, this is the unique identifier for a document within TechnologyOne ECM.


The RedOffice Drawer gives users access to recently registered or accessed ECM documents, Also the ability to register and open any document type


TechnologyOne Enterprise Content Management (ECM).


Electronic document and record management system. TechnologyOne ECM is considered an EDRMS.


In ECM an index is a data structure (potentially using a multilevel hierarchy) that stores customer and business information. Documents within ECM are linked against entries within an index to provide business context.

Index Entry

In ECM an index entry is a folder within the index. E.g. in the Customer index the Sally Jenkins folder is an index entry.


Information that describes the document. E.g. document author and date registered are examples of metadata.

Quick Add Profile (QAP)

QAPs are registration templates tailored for specific document types. They can include preconfigured information.


The Redman Solutions developed add-in for Microsoft Office applications that interacts with TechnologyOne ECM.


Save a new document/email to ECM.


The ribbon is a set of toolbars at the top of the window in Microsoft Office programs designed to help the user quickly find the commands that are needed to complete a task.