Steps on how to associate a Default Item to a Meeting Type and add new Default Item for Resolve administrators
Question: How to associate a Default Item to a Meeting Type for Resolve administrators
Prerequisites: Resolve user with Administrator permissions
Answer: Within Site Settings, an Admin user can associate Default Item objects with a Meeting Type. See steps following.
1. Using your browser, navigate to > Site Settings and select Default Items to see if the Template you're wanting to add to Meeting Types exists, if it does move to Step 3. If it does not continue to Step 2.
2. Create a New default Item.
3. Add a Name, Item Category and Department your New Default Item will relate to. Use the drop down to select the appropriate Item Design Note: You do not need to add anything in the Custom design box.
Select save.
4. Navigate back to Site Settings and select Meeting Types
5. Under Meeting Types, click on the green Default Items icon to view the config for the Agenda.
6. Click on the [EDIT DEFAULT ITEMS] button for the section to amend.
7. Tick the Default Items to add, click [ADD>] then [SAVE] buttons. (NOTE: Add individually to achieve the required order before saving changes)