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Resolve - Alternative Motion Navigation

Configuration and Navigation of the Alternative Motion Tab

The intended purpose for this tab was for any Alternative motions or Amendments to be added prior to the meeting to allow a seamless minute taking experience. Once the Agenda is published, there are two ways in which a councillor can send through their changes.

  1. They send you through an email directly, and you lodge the alternative motion/amendment.

  2. The councillor can submit this through the board portal.

Here are the configurations steps if you wish for councillor board portal access.

  1. Go to Site Settings and Meeting Types.

  2. Select the blue edit pencil on the Meeting Type you are wishing to enable board portal access for.

  3. Go to the last tab titled Motion and Votes, select the box to the right titled Enable Submit Alternative Motion, then select Update.

Whilst in this area, if you would like to change the name of the tab that displays in your minutes and BoardView – you can do so here:

When logging into the Board Portal councillors will be presented with a green box top right titled Submit Alternative Motion. Upon selecting this icon, the recommendation will automatically display, allowing councillors to submit their change. 

For the minute taker – this is what you will see once that alternative motion has been submitted – The Add Alternative Motion would be used if they had emailed you directly and you wanted to submit the Alternative Motion.

To add this Alternative Motion to the minutes – simply select the Alternative Motions drop down within the motions and votes to input the content and conduct any votes where necessary.