Resolve - Backup Approvers
If you are responsible for Item Report review and approvals, this guide shows how to set a Backup Approver to act on your behalf, when you are absent. For Backup Approvers, steps are shown on how to locate your colleagues outstanding Approvals.
Prerequisites: This article applies to Resolve Admin portal ( users with role type 'Report Writer and Approver', or anyone who has been assigned permissions to backup someone for the Approval function.
Go to the required topic by clicking on the relevant section title below.
ADD BACKUP APPROVER - Adding a colleague to be responsible for carrying out Item Report 'Review and Approval' on your behalf as required
1. Login to the Resolve Admin portal as usual, then go to the top-right User Menu > Preferences & Password
2. Click BACKUP APPROVERS button
3. Click NEW APPROVER button
4. On Backup Details page, enter required details to set your Backup approver then click SAVE button to confirm change
- Staff; select colleague from drop-down Pick List who you want to be your 'Backup' approver
- Type; as required, enable/disable above selected person as Backup with below options
Disabled - Selected staff member "disabled" from performing backup approvals
Always - Selected staff member "always" able to act as your backup approver
Specific Time Frame - Select time period the staff member is "enabled" to act as backup approver
5. Make sure the person you have made your Backup Approver is aware and point them to the last part of this article VIEW APPROVALS FOR THE PERSON I BACK UP
EDIT OR REMOVE BACKUP APPROVER - How to update existing Backup Approver settings or remove all together
1. Login to the Resolve Admin portal as usual, then go to the top-right User Menu > Preferences & Password
2. Click BACKUP APPROVERS button
3. To change an existing Backup Approver settings, click on the Blue Edit pencil next to their 'Name', then go to step 4 (If deleting Backup, see Tip box below).
Tip: If you only need to Delete a Backup rather than change their settings, simply click the red 'Trashcan' icon next to their name (shown left of Blue Edit pencil above).
4. On Backup Details page, amend Backup user details as required, then click SAVE button to confirm change
- Staff; select or change colleague from drop-down Pick List who you want to be your 'Backup' approver
- Type; as required, enable/disable above selected person as Backup with below options
Disabled - Selected staff member "disabled" from performing backup approvals
Always - Selected staff member "always" able to act as your backup approver
Specific Time Frame - Select time period the staff member is "enabled" to act as backup approver
VIEW APPROVALS FOR THE PERSON I BACKUP - If you are a Backup Approver for a manager or colleague, see below steps on how to view and act on their outstanding approvals.
Note: To be able to action Item Report Approvals on behalf of someone, they must have you listed as their Backup Approver. See first section above (ADD BACKUP APPROVER) for steps on adding a colleague as a Backup approver.
Logged in to the Resolve Admin portal, go to the top menu Home, then select the following options / filters to locate and action approvals:
1. View; under 'User' option pick-list, select the person's Name you back up or alternatively, select People I Backup, in the user list.
2. Timeframe; choose required timeframe, such as 'All Upcoming' (Relates to meeting Event Date the Item Report is associated with, with approval in advance of the meeting).
3. Show; ensure 'Approvals' button is selected to see approvals in search results.
4. Include completed; un-tick this option to avoid seeing historical completed approvals.
5. Update; click button when above criteria complete, to see related search outcome.
Any pending approvals found by your search will be displayed at the bottom of the Home screen, with the Item Name and Summary Description from each Report. See following options available:
6. Item Name; click on 'Name' link to navigate into the Item to see full report details, if completing a review or amending content on behalf of the Report Author (Access to view/change the Item Report also depends on your Resolve user profile permissions).
7. Actions; click button corresponding with the Item to be approved, to see 'Approve Agenda Item' pop-up window and the options explained below.
Approve - Select to confirm approval of Item. If another approver is part of the workflow after you, they'll receive an email notification advising to view and approve. If all approvals completed, the Item progress will appear as 100% under the Agenda Details view.
Deny - Selected to mark the Item as excluded from the related meeting Agenda. This will notify the Author and/or Meeting Administrator that the Item should not be part of the Agenda or that it's to be moved to a future meeting or removed all together as appropriate.
Return to Creator (Resets Approvals) - Return Item to Report Author to revisit and change the content as required. Use SEND MESSAGE button to provide details to the Author or other persons with interest in this Item prior to returning to Creator. Any prior approvals will be reset and the Item available to be edited by the Author again.
Return to Approver - Send Item back to a previous approver in the approval workflow.
Notify Creator That Agenda Item Content Has Changed - Tick to send email to Author to notify if you have made updates to their content.
Add My Signature - Tick to include your signature (if configured in the system), with any email notifications resulting from your review and approval.
Click button to send email message to Report Author (Originator), Approvers, and/or selected Individuals. Use this option prior to saving an Approval, if you need to communicate details on the reasoning for your action.
Click to cancel / close 'Approve Agenda Item' activity window.
Click to save your Approval selections.