How to set up streaming from Zoom to Resolve
Zoom will not hold onto the Username and password so that it will automatically stream.
This needs to be entered each time.
There is the option however to turn off the requirement for a username and password so that you just need to enter the URL and StreamKey(Which is how youtube works) and zoom will remember these details for you.
To set this up, the Stream details need to be added to the meeting config.
If you set it up as a reoccurring meeting then you only need to do this once.
To set up a reoccurring meeting, you need to head to Zoom online account and update your future meetings.
Select meeting and then select the Live Streaming tab and add the Stream URL, Stream Key and the live stream page.
For setting up streaming a meeting, the following details required are:
Stream URL
Stream key
Live streaming page URL
(These details will be specific to your site, please contact if you need assistance with these details)
You can also update these config options to your zoom settings so that if they are not set up pre-meeting you will have the details handy to update them.