RedOffice Onboarding Details

Welcome to RedOffice!

In order to get started with RedOffice we need some details from you. At the end of this document is a form which we require you to complete and send back to us. To help you fill out this form, we have provided some guidance at the beginning of this document.

If you need any assistance with completing any sections of this document, please don’t hesitate to reach out!

RedOffice Architecture

RedOffice has three key areas of interaction:

  • TechnologyOne ECM
  • RedOffice Server
  • A common gateway for RedOffice users to connect to ECM CMIS web services.
  • RedOffice Add-ins
  • The RedOffice Add-ins are deployed by a client MSI. Installation instructions, including automation options, are provided during the installation process. Clients will require a minimum of .Net 4.6.1 installed.

RedOffice can be configured in up to 2 TechnologyOne ECM environments. Please provide details in the form of the appropriate environments.

TechnologyOne ECM Configuration

TechnologyOne CMIS App

The TechnologyOne CMIS App is an optional add-on for ECM and not all sites may have procured this from TechnologyOne. This is a mandatory requirement for RedOffice.

A simple way to identify this is to navigate to the CMIS servicedoc which would have a URL in the following format: https://<name.domain>/<webenvironment>/CiAnywhere/Web/<environment>/API/CMIS/servicedoc

If this returns a servicedoc then CMIS is installed and available.

Another method to check is to open Ci Anyhwere workplace, log in as an administrator, then go to “Records Management” then “ECM Configuration” and open the “CMIS Configuration” page. If this is available and opens, then CMIS is installed and available.

Quick Add Profiles (QAPs)

The active QAPs in ECM will be used in RedOffice to display the relevant fields, indexes, default values, and mandatory requirements. Too many fields on a QAP will result in too much information being displayed in RedOffice, confuse users and potentially affect performance.

By default, we configure RedOffice to use dynamic QAPs. This means we read the QAPs from ECM and for each QAP RedOffice displays a list of fields and indexes as follows:

  • Site to choose pre-defined fields (eg. Precis, Class, Author, DocDate)
  • Any field defined in the QAP as mandatory
  • Any field defined in the QAP with a default value
  • Any Indexes defined in the QAP as mandatory
  • Any Indexes defined in the QAP with a default index

We will work through this together to get the right configuration for you.


The Default QAP is the QAP that you want to be selected by default when you use RedOffice.


A site can potentially have hundreds of QAPs and many of them should not be available to use in RedOffice to register documents, like the ones from Connected Content. Provide a list of QAP exclusions.

Wildcards can be used, eg. ConnectedContent*

Note: This information is not required immediately and can be updated as required within RedOffice. This will be discussed as we move through the installation phase.

Ci Anywhere & CMIS URLs

The Ci Anywhere URL is the one used to access ECM. Usually it will be in a format like:


THE CMIS URL is usually similar to the Ci Anywhere URL with “Workplace” replaced with “Api/CMIS/servicedoc”

  1. https://<name.domain>/<webenvironment>/CiAnywhere/Web/<environment>/API/CMIS/servicedoc

You know you have the correct CMIS URL if you browse to it and it downloads a servicedoc file (this is a text file with some data).

Ci Anywhere ECM User

To enable configuration and testing, where possible a TechnologyOne ECM user account will be required with administrator access. Once installed and configured this account can be reduced to user access to enabled further testing. If preferred, this account can be terminated once configuration and testing is complete.

Ci Anywhere Authentication

How do users login to Ci Anywhere? Ci Anywhere supports multiple methods for authenticating a user, from standard username and password entry to single sign on (e.g. SAML) authentication.

RedOffice can be configured to ask for a username and password or can leverage your single sign on method.

CMIS Repository

RedOffice require a CMIS Repository created in ECM. You can see details on how to do this here.

RedOffice - Create CMIS Repository and RedOffice default QAP

On-Boarding Checklist

Please complete this checklist and return to Redman Solutions.