A guide on the enhanced Motion and Vote features released September 2023, allowing the Minute taker a quick streamlined method to record the Initiator (mover), Seconder, Action, Motion Text, and Votes on the one screen.
- Contact Redman Solutions Helpdesk to enable the new Motion and Vote feature and get assistance configuring to suit your requirements for each meeting type used.
- You will typically be a Meeting Administrator with access to the Resolve Admin portal (https://CLIENTNAME.civicclerk.com.au/admin/) and appropriate permissions to view and edit the Minutes area.
USING THE NEW MOTION AND VOTES (Skip here for guide on setup)
When enabled and configured for a Meeting type, the previously separate ‘Motions’ and ‘Votes’ tabs in the Minutes screen will be replaced with a combined Motions and Votes tab, see below.
- Click the Green Motion Flag
- Click the ‘+Add Motion’ button
- Use keyboard shortcut keys Ctrl + M
This will open the following screen with the cursor ready to go in the Initiator field.
Tip: The Motion Text box will be pre-populated with the Item Recommendation content, as previously added to the related report Item by the author. If not required, this text can be cleared and then details added manually, or inserted using the Minute Snippets or Alternate Motions(where available) dropdown options.
To begin recording the Motion, start typing the name of the Initiator (Mover). You can also select by using the arrow down key on your keyboard, or hovering with your mouse in the drop-down and clicking on the appropriate name.
Once highlighted, use the tab key to move to the next field for Seconder and select as you did for the Initiator.
Tab again to select the Action field. By default the most common action type will be preselected, however, choose the appropriate action for the motion.
Tip: If you'd like to change the order of available Motion Actions, see this article Resolve - Change the order of recommended actions in the Minute screen
Tab once more to move to the Motion Text box. The Motion text will be automatically populated with the Officers Recommendation field from the related item. If the item doesn’t have a recommendation or you are adding a motion onto an Agenda Section, the field will be empty ready for you to add the text and details of the motion.
This field is where you will now record the actual wording for the motion being put. If there is an amendment to the recommendation wording or an alternative motion being put in the motion, you can edit the text or delete and type in new text into this field. If Alternate/Amendment motions have been recorded in the system, you can insert using the Alternative Motions dropdown pick-list.
If you need to show the amended wording on the chambers Display page, for the members to review and discuss, you can use the Blue TV display button on the right-hand side of the Motion box. To see changes as they are made on the Display page, tick the Track Changes option.
The Motion Status Label tickbox, which can be custom named, is called "Resolution" in the below example. This determines if each motion applied to an Item is visible (e.g. Motion outcome) or excluded (e.g. Procedural motion);
- Item Actions tab of the related agenda Item
- Registry Views where the Motion & Vote outcome is a set column
- BoardView minutes detail for the related Item, where the minutes have been published to BoardView from the agenda
- Public site (Resolve iFrame), where configured, to show Motion & Vote outcome. See below section Public Site Motion Visibility for further explanation.
From here the Vote can be started and votes recorded (1), then the motion details can either be Saved at that point or saved with motion outcome Carried (won) or Lost (2). If in use, a Resolution Number# (3) can be manually applied or if configured to do so, auto-apply the next available.
Note: If you click out of the active motion, your progress will be automatically saved and recorded, to reopen and continue to add in text, movers, seconders or votes at a later time, simply click back on the previous Motion record in the [Motions and Votes] tab.
Once a motion is saved as Carried or Lost, the preconfigured auto-Snippet set for the Action type and vote outcome will add the required content into the top Comments & Discussion box. See 'Turning on the New Motion and Votes' section below for more detail on configuring.
Public Site Motion Visibility
If your site is configured to present the Motion button on agenda meeting Items on your public website, the motion and vote outcome becomes available for the public to view dependent on the below scenarios.
Once the Minutes file created under your Agenda [Files] tab is set to "Published to Public", the M button will be visible against all relevant Items. Example below.
Alternatively, if the related 'Meeting Type' Motion & Vote tab setting Publish Resolution Once Complete is enabled, toggling a Minutes Item status to In Progress to Completed will publish the M button against that Item on your public site immediately.
Below is an example of the Motion M button that becomes available on the public site, for each individual Item, once the status for that Item is set to Completed in the Minutes.
Once the new Motion and Vote feature is enabled for your site, Meeting Administrators will have access to set up for individual meeting types, where they would like to use the new functionality. See brief outline of steps required below. This Resolve feature needs to be enabled for your site by Redman Solutions, before the below steps can be followed. If you initially require the new M&V enabled or otherwise need help configuring this function, contact Redman Solutions Helpdesk.
1. Go to Site Settings > Item Options > then review the Agenda Item Motion Actions section and use or
buttons to add new action types or reorder existing ones respectively.
2. Under Site Settings > Text Snippets > Minutes Snippets > create snippet designs as required to populate content from your Carried or Lost motion into the Minutes Comments & Discussion box during minute recording. These snippets are utilised by the Motion and Vote automation configured under step (3) below. For guidance or examples of these snippet designs, contact Redman Solutions Helpdesk.
3. Under Site Settings > Meeting types, click the Blue Edit Pencil for the meeting you would like to configure.
- Go to the Motions tab first and "tick" the required Motion Actions you want available to use for this meeting type. After saving, these Action types will then be available to pick when adding a new motion during minute taking.
- Next Motion and Votes tab to configure other settings:
a) Enabled = Tick to enable new motion and vote settings for this meeting type
b) Publish Resolution Once Complete = If enabled "Ticked", will allow Motion visibility on public website for published agenda if Minutes Item set to 'COMPLETED', see above section Public Site Motion Visibility
c) Resolution Start Number = Set Resolution start number #
d) Resolution Number Format = Set required format of Resolution number
e) Resolution Number Restart = Set parameter for restarting res # from options: Never, Calendar Year or Fiscal Year
f) Auto Assign Next Available = Tick to allow Resolve to auto-assign Res # to a new Motion. If disabled, the number can be assigned when the motion is added.
g) Hide Not Related Checkbox = Redundant option, replaced by Motion Status Label (see below)
h) Hide Confidential Checkbox = If Confidential Minutes not in use, this checkbox can be hidden from the add Motion box. See Resolve - Confidential Minutes article for guide on creating a separate confidential minutes document if this assists your local process.
i) Motion Status Label = Entering a customisable label, such as "Resolution", enables a checkbox within the add Motion box named as such. This tickbox is used to determine which Motions are to be included under Item Actions, Registry views where 'Motion and Resolutions' column present and if published, BoardView Minutes and your public website Agenda Items & Files for the related meeting.
j) Auto Check Motion Status = If enabled, the Motion Status will be "ticked" by default when a Motion is added.
k)button to add individual Motion Action, Vote outcome (Carried / Lost) and Minutes Snippet to use for each scenario expected
l) Enable Submit Alternative Motion (Minutes) = Turns on Alternative or Amended motion tab in the Minutes area, allowing amended motion text, potentially received before a meeting, to be manually added ready for insertion into the Motion text box later using the Alternative Motions drop down menu.
m) Enable Submit Alternative Motion (Board Portal) = Tick to enable Councillor/Board members to submit Alternative or Amended motion text through the BoardView portal. For further info on this option and how it's used, see articles Alternative Motion Navigation and BoardView Submit Alternate Motion
n) Alternative Motion Text = Change the button or tab name as seen in the BoardView or Minutes area respectively
o)button to save any configuration changes made to the above settings
- Lastly, still under Site Settings > Meeting types, click the Blue Edit Pencil for the meeting you are configuring > General tab > Scroll to the bottom of the settings and ensure the Display Page Templates are set as required. For further info on the display page, see guide Resolve - Display Page Setup